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Key Specifications of Machine Vision Optics

Machine vision optics are a vital component of a machine vision system that captures images of products or parts for analysis. They are responsible for focusing the light onto the camera sensor and controlling various parameters, such as aperture and depth of field. Machine vision optics play a critical role in determining the image quality and performance of a machine vision system.

Types of machine vision optics

There are three main types of machine vision optics: lenses, filters, and illuminators.


Lenses are used to focus the light onto the camera sensor and control the image parameters. They come in various types, such as fixed focus, zoom, and telecentric lenses. Fixed focus lenses have a fixed focal length and are best suited for applications with a constant working distance. Zoom lenses allow for adjusting the focal length to change the magnification and field of view. Telecentric lenses are designed to provide a constant magnification regardless of the distance between the lens and the object.


Filters are used to block or transmit certain wavelengths of light to enhance the image quality or remove unwanted glare. There are various types of filters, such as polarizing, neutral density, and bandpass filters. Polarizing filters are used to reduce glare and reflections from shiny surfaces, while neutral density filters are used to reduce the overall brightness of the image. Bandpass filters are used to transmit specific wavelengths of light for applications such as fluorescence imaging.


Illuminators are used to provide a uniform and consistent light source for the camera to capture the image. They come in various types, such as ring lights, backlights, and spotlights. Ring lights provide a circular light source around the object, while backlights provide illumination from behind the object to create a silhouette. Spotlights provide a focused beam of light on a specific area of the object.

Key specifications of machine vision optics

When selecting machine vision optics, several key specifications should be considered to optimize image quality and performance.

Focal length

The focal length is the distance between the lens and the image sensor when the lens is focused on a subject at infinity. It determines the magnification and field of view of the image. A shorter focal length results in a wider field of view but lower magnification, while a longer focal length results in a narrower field of view but higher magnification.


The aperture controls the amount of light that enters the lens and affects the depth of field and image brightness. A larger aperture (lower aperture value) allows more light to enter the lens, resulting in a shallower depth of field and brighter image. A smaller aperture (higher aperture value) allows less light to enter the lens, resulting in a deeper depth of field and darker image.

Depth of field

The depth of field is the distance range in the image that appears in focus. It is affected by the aperture, focal length, and working distance. A shallow depth of field has a limited range of focus and is best suited for applications that require selective focus, such as product inspection. A deep depth of field has a broader range of focus and is best suited for applications that require a larger area of focus, such as barcode reading.

Working distance

The working distance is the distance between the object and the front of the lens. It determines the distance at which the lens can focus on the object and affects the depth of field and field of view. A longer working distance results in a narrower field of view but a greater depth of field, while a shorter working distance results in a wider field of view but a shallower depth of field.

Field of view

The field of view is the area of the image that the camera captures. It is affected by the focal length and working distance. A shorter focal length or longer working distance results in a wider field of view, while a longer focal length or shorter working distance results in a narrower field of view.


The resolution is the number of pixels in the image and determines the level of detail that can be captured. It is affected by the camera sensor and the lens. A higher resolution results in a more detailed image but may require a higher-quality lens to capture the full detail.

In conclusion, machine vision optics are an essential component of computer vision, enabling cameras and other imaging devices to produce high-quality images. There are several types of machine vision optics, including lenses, filters, mirrors, prisms, and beam splitters, each with its unique properties and applications. Machine vision optics offer several benefits, including improved accuracy, speed, and reliability, making them an indispensable tool in various industries. We hope this article has been informative and helps you learn more about the machine vision optics.